Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 6, 2013

Look at the 2 babies getting their little bibs put on. Isn't that cute? Will's first time to eat crab. They both need a lesson from the ladies of how to open the shell and get out the meat.

Moritz was feeling guilty because the prices were so expensive. I told him to pick up the tab for everyone if it made him feel better. He didn't feel that guilty. I order water and free bread ( joking). I never pay the tab so it does not bother me. That is Michele's duty.

It was a nice dinner. I have been working a lot lately so it is good to get out sometimes. Will ate so slow though. Crabs are a lot of work with little meat.

Afterwards Moritz treated the late owls with ice cream. He used the poker money that he won from the beach house last weekend which was basically mine. He reminded me of that. Ha ha ha.

I can't wait to beat him in poker and take away play money. Joke will be on him. I will let you know when I do.

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 2, 2013

I am going to change the name of the blog to Moritz mom blog. Taking a pic is hard work and she is the only one who is reading it anyway. Petra, here is Moritz at the school soccer game. It was a close game. They lost though. Moritz passes a lot. I do not know if that is a good or bad.

He did have a good rush to the goal and shot but The goalie caught it. He had soccer on the brain that day. After the game he wore a another soccer jersey around. American kids would wear a football shirt but not Moritz. He is still German.